“Sink”ret Weapon

Do You Have a "Sink"ret Weapon? Sink installs involve a number of materials and more than one of those materials must be bonded for the install to take place. In this very short post, we are going to let you know about a "sink"ret weapon fabricators use to perform these kinds of installs. What's Needed... Continue Reading →

Next Best Thing

The Next "Best Thing" Since...? Back before the invention of the distributing bread that was already sliced, what was the next best thing compared to? Well thanks to the Continental Baking Company pre-slicing distributed bread, we can now use a popular cliche to inform you of what tile professionals may well say is the greatest... Continue Reading →

Efficient Tile Installation

Install Large Format Tiles Efficiently Most business owners are constantly looking to increase efficiency. At the same time, lowering the quality standards of the job is not an option. And when equipment comes along that makes installation go more smoothly, it gets picked up quick. Today we are going to briefly mention a tool that... Continue Reading →

A Brief Look at Backlighting Stone

A Brief Look at Backlighting Stone If you have seen this design technique, you were probably intrigued by the fact that it is actually possible. And if you haven't seen it yet, you will likely be interested in the why, what, and how of this feature that is achievable using natural stone. We are talking... Continue Reading →

Profits and Install Protection

Protecting Installs and Profitability A short time ago, we wrote a post entitled: Protecting Your Quality Countertop Installs. In that post we highlighted some reasons why it is wise to make use of protective countertop film after you have completed your installation. That got us to thinking about other ways that countertop installs can be... Continue Reading →

Protecting Your Quality Countertop Install

Protecting Your Quality Countertop Install Even when your countertop install is flawless it can be subjected to a series of surface-scarring situations that reduce the quality of your masterful work well after you have left the job site. However, a simple investment and practical technique can preserve your elegant countertop install. Protecting Countertop Installs Has... Continue Reading →

3 Must Have Install Tools

Every industry has essential tools, equipment, and machinery professionals use as they perform their work. Even the most skilled artisan works with some sort of tool. For professionals in the stone industry, installations are an important part of the job. What tools are commonly found on the installation site? How is the material maneuvered so... Continue Reading →

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